Functions and duties
Student Activities help Pricipal in all aspects of education for students
- Giving proposed plan, content in the management of education pupil,students;
- Tracking to help students learning by them self, cultural activities, arts, sports fitness, labor and production activities outside working hours, management students in boarding, tracking students, students in despite;
- Propose and implement policies on preferential regime, proposing to reward and discipline for pupils, students;
- Coordinate with Training Department and others Department to manage school students better.
Fellow of Student Activities Sector
- Deputy Manager : Mr. Nguyen Duc Viet
- Deputy Manager : Mr. Nguyen Van Minh
- Employees: 6 people
- Phone: (04) 8783031
- Fax: (04) 8271305
- Email: pctsv@cuwc.edu.vn